WIDM lab Apps

行動中大 1.1
WIDM lab
國立中央大學行動圖書App 1.2.1
WIDM lab
國立中央大學行動圖書App功能:登入與個人資料-能夠以圖書館帳號登入並瀏覽個人借書資訊館藏目錄-即時查詢館藏書目語音讀冊-語音閱讀書目簡介最新消息-提供圖書館的最新消息開放時間-提供圖書館開放時間資訊到期提醒-在還書期限前幾日提醒還書(須登入)服務項目-提供圖書館樓層簡介跟圖書館聯絡資訊新書推薦-向圖書館推薦想要閱讀的書目(須登入)National CentralUniversity Action Books AppFeatures:Sign in with your profile - library account can sign in and browsepersonal information libraryCollections catalog - Instant Lookup BibliographyVoice read books - Introduction speech reading listLatest News - Provides the latest news libraryOpening hours - information provided Library HoursExpiration Reminder - deadline a few days ago in the book is also areminder to return the book (to be logged in)Services - provides a library with floor Profile ContactInformation LibraryNew Books - recommended to the library catalog you want to read(login required)
疾疾店家現身 2.1.8
WIDM lab
疾疾店家現身 (PowerPOI) 讓您對於"找店家"這件事情變得簡單!去到外地時人生地不熟,東問西問還找不到店家,您還在擔心這類問題嗎?就讓疾疾店家現身讓您三秒化身在地人!資料內容包含了各式各樣的店家,食衣住行應有盡有,並結合地圖服務,介面簡單易瞭,不需繁雜的使用教學,輕鬆讓您一手掌握!
中大雲端租屋 1.1.0
WIDM lab
查看租屋清單-使用者觀看詳細且完整的租屋表格,表格內容包括:房型、房間、租金、押金、其他費用、備註。租屋搜尋 - 使用者可以根據價錢、房型、地址關鍵字搜尋適合自己的房屋。租屋公告 – 使用者可以觀看中大雲端租屋網上的即時資訊,以便獲得第一手資料。詳細資訊 – 可觀看某一房屋的更多資訊,內容包含Google map定位、規劃路線等等……。留言板 – 使用者可根據自己的租屋經驗,留言分享給其他位使用者。View B & B list-Users watching rented detailed and complete the form, tableofcontents include: room, rooms, rent, deposit, and otherexpenses,notes.B & B Search - Users can search by price, room type,addresskeywords for their own houses.Tenancy Notice - users can watch the big cloud rentingonlinereal-time information in order to obtainfirst-handinformation.For more information - more information can be viewed ahouse,contents include Google map location, plan a route, and soon.......Message Board - users according to their B & B experience,shareit with other bits user comments.